NDIS Registration


Lifestart > Rights statement
Lifestart welcome

Rights Statement

Each person with disability has the same human and legal rights as all persons including the right to be respected for their inherent dignity.

The work that Lifestart undertakes is governed by the founding principles of:

Lifestart is committed to practices that:

  • Promote, respect and uphold the legal and human rights of all people in all aspects of the service or support they receive as clients of Lifestart;
  • Protect clients from abuse, neglect, violence, exploitation and discrimination;
  • Protect the privacy and confidentiality of all client information;
  • Provide information and support to clients so they may understand and exercise their legal and human rights;
  • Deliver services and support based on the principles of equality, independence, participation, choice and inclusion;
  • Encourage clients to live a life where they participate inclusively as members of their community, enjoying the same mix of social, recreation, leisure and learning experiences as other people of the same age and life stage;
  • Ensure that each client’s best interest is taken into account at all times during the provision of services and support;
  • Enable clients to exercise choice and participate in decisions which affect their lives in ways that are appropriate to their age and stage of development (for young children this right is vested in their parent or carer; for children living in mandated out of home care it will be vested in Government); and
  • Recognise that every family or carer has the right to seek the best possible services and support for their child or young person, and that they are best placed to advocate for them.

Contact us

Privacy Officer

Lifestart Disability Services Ltd
PO Box 3563, Rhodes NSW 2138

Phone: (02) 9364 0111
Fax: (02) 9807 9600

Email: info@lifestart.org.au
