Lifestart > Services > Behaviour Support

Behaviour Support

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What do we offer?

We offer Positive Behaviour Support for children and young people living with disability. We also develop and implement Positive Behaviour Support Plans.

Our staff include specialist Behaviour Support Clinicians and other professionals experienced in implementing general behaviour support practices.

We work with children, young people and their family and carers to:

  • identify and understand the behaviours of concern that may be impacting on a child or young person’s participation in daily routines and activities
  • develop an individualised plan to support learning new skills and ways to behave when joining in activities with family and friends

Positive Behaviour Support is about partnering with children, young people and their families and carers in problem solving and in places where they spend time.

We can also talk to the people in a child or young person’s life about how they can best support managing behaviour.  This might be family, friends, teachers or other professionals.

Where a restrictive practice is being considered in supporting a child or young person, the process for authorisation will follow Lifestart’s Restrictive Practices Policy and Procedures including submission to our Restrictive Practice Authorisation Panel.

Do we provide services in your area?

We provide Positive Behaviour Support in the Sydney metropolitan area including – Western Sydney, Northern Sydney, Eastern Sydney, Southern Sydney, the Inner West and parts of South Western Sydney.

What is the cost?

Costs vary depending on the service provided. You can use your NDIS funding package (we offer services under the support areas of Improved Daily Living and Improved Relationships) or pay privately.

Contact us

To find out more call our Client Engagement Team on 1800 953 390 or fill out our simple web enquiry form.

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