What do we offer?
SpeakUP is a unique short-term program delivered online that helps children and teenagers with disability or developmental concerns participate and thrive at school. It does this through eight engaging and interactive online sessions with the participant focused on supporting them to achieve a school-based goal, whether academic or social in nature, that they have set for themselves. Our flexible and tailored delivery works with the circumstances and needs of each participant and their family, and may also include up to four online support sessions with parents and family members if requested and beneficial.
The participating child or young person must be aged over 9 years and attending a mainstream primary or high school. The program is delivered nation-wide across Australia.
How is it delivered?
Each participant has up to 8 individual online sessions facilitated by an allied health staff member, held out of school time, across the school term. We also offer up to 4 optional parent coaching sessions related to up-skilling parents and carers to support their child to follow through with their goals and understand the value of helping their child self-advocate.
During the sessions, the facilitator supports the participant to identify and express a small, achievable goal related to participation at school, and then works through challenges they might come up against.
As an example, past participants have worked toward asking the teacher for help or adjustments during class, confidently sitting an exam, becoming better friends with classmates in and out of school time, participating in sports carnivals or going to the canteen by themselves without a support teacher.
To talk to us about enrolling your child in the program, the best way is to fill out the form below by clicking ‘enquire now’ so that our SpeakUP team can call or email you back with the right information on hand. Otherwise, you can call our Customer Experience team on 1800 953 390.
Program Fees
Participants with NDIS funding can access SpeakUP through the ‘Improved Daily Living’ category in their NDIS plan. Those without NDIS funding can create a customised plan to suit their budget. Click below and we’ll get in touch to discuss your eligibility and what payment options are available to you.
What do parents and participants who have undertaken the program say?
“Talking about my son’s goal, and why he chose it, helped unpack what’s going on at school – he brought up lack of confidence, taking a back seat even when he knows the answers. Just having that conversation helped us understand what was going on for him.” ~ Parent
“Overall, I’m very impressed with the program. My husband and I can see a massive difference in her self-confidence and, not only that, but the tools that you’ve given her, she can adapt them to other things in life.” ~ Parent
“The support the program facilitator gave us has made, and continues to make, a huge impact; especially with our young person’s confidence to speak up. The goal planning tool is now part of our weekly routines and I feel more knowledgeable in ways to support our young person in school.” ~ Parent
“I wasn’t really good at solving problems by myself. Now I am more confident that I can do it by myself. It makes me feel proud.” ~ Young Person (participant)
About Lifestart
SpeakUP is delivered by Lifestart. We provide a range of programs and services for children and young people living with disability, as well as their families and communities, with the aim of helping them live their lives to their fullest potential through increased social inclusion and participation. Our team is made up of a range of allied health professionals and experts, including speech pathologists, occupational therapists and behaviour support practicioners.
It was founded by a group of eight families who used a small amount of funding to run a program in a single classroom in Turramurra Public School. Today, Lifestart supports over 10,000 children and young people, their families and their carers across Australia. It’s a success we’re so proud of because it is a success built on lived experience and a genuine desire to change lives for the better.