Lifestart > Services > Start Strong Pathways program

Start Strong Pathways program

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What is Start Strong Pathways?

The program provides educational supports for young children prior to preschool enrolment to strengthen their early learning opportunities and promote transition to early learning environments.

Why Start Strong Pathways?

Research shows that children who participate in early childhood education are more likely to develop the social, emotional and cognitive skills to engage with learning when they eventually start school.
Support for children, families and preschools ensures that children with developmental delays and disabilities have a smoother transition to, and a more inclusive experience of, early childhood education.

Where does Lifestart deliver the program?

We deliver the Start Strong Pathways program throughout the Sydney metropolitan area. Please contact our team to see if we cover your location.

Who can access Start Strong Pathways?

We will connect with families who have a child aged 2-4 years with developmental delay or a disability who are not attending a preschool or childcare centre.

How will Lifestart support families?

Our experienced educators will provide support based on the individual strengths and needs of each child and family. This support can be categorised in three main areas:

  1. Home-based Supports
    • Help families to support their child to learn new skills through play and in everyday routines.
    • Build a child’s independence in everyday activities.
    • Collaborate with families to discern their child’s pathway to an early childhood education setting.
  2. Transition Supports
    • Assist families to understand the early education options for their child.
    • Connect families to early learning opportunities in their community
    (e.g. playgroups).
    • Transition planning and visits for the child with their family and the early childhood centre.
    • Support for educators to set up routines and inclusive strategies that promote the participation of each child.
  3. Information Supports
    • Workshops and other information for families, educators and communities, including: a series on making routines fun, booklets on Learning through Play, and on Early Language, Early Literacy, parenting tip sheets and information on choosing an Early Childhood Education and Care setting.

Contact us

To find out more, call our Start Strong Pathways team on 1800 111 753 or email

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