Lifestart > Services > Early Childhood Intervention

Early Childhood Intervention

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What do we offer?

Lifestart believes that quality early intervention makes a difference to outcomes for young children. We provide specialised supports for young children with disability or developmental delay to:

  • promote each child’s learning and development; and
  • improve their ability to participate in family and community life.

Lifestart uses a key worker approach. A key worker is the person you will see and talk to most. A key worker will be one of our specialist professionals and may be a:

  • speech pathologist
  • occupational therapist
  • physiotherapist
  • behaviour specialist
  • social worker or psychologist
  • educator.

Your key worker will get to know your child and family and will work with you to achieve your goals for your child.

Your key worker can support you to develop the skills your child needs to participate in everyday life. They can help other people in your child’s life, like a preschool or school teacher, to do the same. They can support your family to make choices, set priorities, access important information and communicate with other people providing support to your child and family.

Do we provide services in your area?

We provide early childhood intervention supports in the Sydney metropolitan area including – Western Sydney, Northern Sydney and parts of South Western Sydney.

There are many options for where you can access early childhood intervention supports including:

  • at a Lifestart centre
  • online
  • we can come to you – to your home, school or early childhood centre, or somewhere else in the community.

Please call us to find out what is possible for your child.

What is the cost?

Costs vary depending on the service provided. You can use your NDIS funding package (we offer services under the NDIS support areas of Improved Daily Living and Improved Relationships) or pay privately.

Contact us

To find out more call our Client Engagement Team on 1800 953 390 or send us a message.

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