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What does inclusion look like in practice for young people?

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Aug 11, 2021

If you are a young person with a disability, you should be supported in forming your own goals and given the assistance you need to work towards them.

What is inclusion?

Inclusion means that someone can participate in everyday life as they would like to. When you are a young person leaving school and entering adulthood, your voice and your opinions are central to any decisions you make about your life.

Support to set and communicate your goals

Leaving the school system is a big change for all young people, and for people with disability it can present unique challenges or raise questions.

It is important that you feel supported to make goals about what you want to do, as well as assisted with communicating your goals if needed. Sometimes this could involve helping your family or the people around you understand your choices and what they can do to help you with them.

Making autonomous decisions

Leaving school can bring with it decisions that are potentially life-changing – decisions about independence, work, further education, relationships and leisure interests. For young people, being included means being supported in making decisions about what your plans are and how you want to live your life.

These can include making choices about whether to start working or take on further study, move out of the family home, or pursue your interests. Any support you receive can be tailored to what you want and geared towards making adjustments to promote your independence.

Where to find support

If you or a young person in your life is looking for support, Lifestart has a range of specialised services available, which can be tailored to meet your goals.

